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Wednesday 20th February 2013: Our last day was relatively short so we had time to check out some of the quirky art around Lochmara Lodge.
The it was back up the hill to the main Queen Charlotte Track, a sidle around A815 (416m but the track stays below 280m), dropping down to Mistletoe Bay then climbing to about 200m above Onahau Bay then swinging west to descend to the northern shore of Grove Arm and on to Anakiwa where we meet the launch to return us to Nelson.
Queen Charlotte Track - Day 5 (click to enlarge)
Punga Person DSC_0633a
Wood sculpture DSC_0636
Greenstone DSC_0638
Punga parrot DSC_0639a
The Whare DSC_0640e
Stone face DSC_0642e
Tramping boots statue DSC_0648
Lochmara shoe-gate from the inside. DSC_0653_stitch
Waterfall and Mistletoe Bays DSC_0664ae
Composite of Mistletoe Bay and Onahau Bay DSC_0667_s_a
French couple with infant DSC_0672
Composite of Onahau Bay and out to Grove Arm. DSC_0682_stitch (click to enlarge)
Composite of Okiwa Bay & Grove Arm from Ngakuta Bay to Anakiwa DSC_0690_s_a (click to enlarge)
The track now descends to follow the shore
?another Flycap by Cathy CT_DSC01444c
Jim, almost there DSC_0699ae
Neil & Viv at Anakiwa DSC_0701e
As predicted, an entrepreneur was at the track end to sell something yummy, refreshing and unhealthy, then there was the staples of icecream, L&P and Coke while we waited for the Sounds Adventure "Cougar" launch to return to Nelson and civilization.