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Dusky Pg6

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Day 5: (Wed 10/03/04) -- Spare Day
We took this as our spare day as it was wet, but the rain never really let up so we didn't even get up to the "beautiful" Lake Roe. Shared the hut with a couple from West Virginia.

View out the


Lake Roe Hut
& water 531JS

Tea at Lake
Roe Hut 550JS

During a break in the rain I took a movie outside the hut. If you can play Quick Time (mov) movies, just "Right Click" the thumbnail to the left, then "Save Target as...".

NOTE!! 3.4MB to download!

Day 6: (Thurs 11/03/04) -- Lake Roe Hut to Halfway Hut 5 hours
Most of the team were off in a hurry, keen to partake of the mud and damp forest of Hauroko Burn, but John S. and I actually noticed the beauty and magesty of Lake Laffy and surrounding hills, now partially visable. We took a moment to record it.

Down to Lake
Laffy 604aJS

Lake Laffy

Keith & Lake Laffy

John S. by Lake Laffy

Once in the bush there is a steep drop to the Hauroko Burn top forks. What would normally be small streams were raging torrents, luckily all crossings now have three-wire bridges.

Bring on the
wet stuff! 617KB

Descending carefully, Ian
backwards 620JC

Just a trickle

Torrential stream in
woods 626KB

Group takes stock

Graham resting

Down by the
riverside 632KB

Jim dry where it
counts 636JS

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