Day 1: (Tuesday 11th Mar 2008) On the way to Klondyke Corner we briefly stopped by Castle Hill to look at the rock formations. I would have liked to go up and get some real photographs (like those on the right), but everyone else seemed to underwhelmed by them! This was the location for the final battle in the film "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". | |
 Keith at Castle Hill 019IB
 Castle Hill rocks 021KB
 Castle Hill rocks 023KB

 Keith post photo 029IB
 Team at start 035KB
 Up the Waimakariri 041IB
We started from the end of the side road north of the Waimakariri road bridge, on the Crow Valley "track" after the standard team photo. The track rapidly becomes the Waimakariri River bed with a number of crossings of sections of the river required. We then crossed the main river and headed over Turkey Flat with Mt Stewart (1934m) ahead to our right. I kept seeing the sort of rocks I want in my garden so I don't recall much of Mt Stewart!! This took us to Anti-Crow hut and lunch, just before the rain.
 Reflections 045KB
 1st crossing 051KB
 Graham crosses river 055IB
 Turkey Flat 062JS
 John S & Anti-Crow 070JS-KB |
 Anti-Crow Hut 075IB
 Beech woods 094KB
 More Beech woods 096KB
 Rain on tarns 114KB
 Jim's leg 120JS
 Graham's poncho 122KB
 Wet gear on 124KB
Jim's 2nd hand injury prevention pants didn't work (watch this space) and the rain became more set-in. I found a hidden little pocket in my coat that fitted the camera and could whip it out for snaps of fungi etc. However, despite consulting books and web pages, I have problems identifying the various mushrooms and toadstools, so NEVER assume my identification is correct - in fact, unless it can be purchased from a supermarket, I wouldn't eat any "wild" fungus, some are just too toxic to risk!! |
 Fly Agaric 126KB
 Keith crossing in full wetgear 134JS
 Jim in the mud 140KB
 Rationing the soup 152JS
The "River Route" involved a number of crossings, so we were hoping the river didn't rise too much (although there is a high water track). However, by the time we reached Carrington Hut, we were looking forward to that hot cup of soup! Dinner was an "expanded" vegetable Korma. Desert was a change from the "traditional" milk pud to dried fruit and seameal custard, skillfully composed by John B. |
 Pass the Parmesan 155JS
 John serving desert 157JS
 Carrington & Camp Spur 162KB