November 1998: Trampers were: Alan Rogers, Ian Bardsley, and me, Keith Blayney. We drove to Ruatahuna and had a local drop us off at the Maungapohatu Track beyond the village. We headed north, bypassing Maungapohatu to come down the Tawhana - Tauranga Rivers, cross over Omahuru (Onepu & Ohora) to meet the Whakatane River which we followed back south to Ruatahuna. This is Tuhoi (Children of the Mist) country.
 FA23: Entering Maungapohatu Track
 FA24: Typical bush on Maungapohatu Track
 FA25: Alan & Ian on Maungapohatu Track
 FA25: More typical bush on Maungapohatu Track
Day 1: |
The Maungapohatu Track starts from State Highway 38 about 9km east of Ruatahuna. We followed the old pack-horse track to Kanohirua Hut (40min) and on to Kakewahine Clearing (Maori Land) and Waiawa Hut 20 minutes downstream. This is a neat 8 bunk hut, the "best in the park" according to some.
 FA33: Ian and Alan at Waiawa Hut |
 FA38b: Keith at Waiawa Hut |
 FB01: More forest near Maungapohatu |
 FB04: more forest |
Day 2: |
From Waiawa Hut we headed back to Kakewahine Clearing and followed the bulldozed track to Pinaki (with permission). Maungapohatu, the sacred mountain of the Tuhoe was to the right (East) but was largely obscurred by mist. There was a little climb over Tauaki (600m) before dropping to Taurawharana Hut (390m) on the Waikare River.
 FB05-06: Composite of view to misty Maungapohatu |
 FB15: Taurawharana Hut |
 FB18: Taurawharana dunnie |
Day 3: |
From Taurawharana Hut one climbs up a ridge and over Pawairoto (780m) to Te Panaa Hut at 370m (lunch). We then descended to the Tauranga River at Tawhana, we passed Otane before reaching Te Pourewa Hut.
 FB27: more typical bush |
 FB31: Tawhana or somewhere else! |
 FB32: Confluence |
 FB33: Alan on bridge |
 FB34: pokey Te Pourewa Hut front |
 FB36: Magnificent Te Pourewa Hut view |
 FB37: Ian as Gandalf, human lungs |
 FC05a: Ohane Valley |
Day 4: |
From Te Pourewa Hut one heads up a ridge, often following a deeply cut horse trail before coming down to the Ohane Stream and hut.
 FC06: Whakatane River |
 FC07: Bush living |
 FC10-11: Composite Whakatane River |
 FC13: view from Waikare Junction Hut |
Day 5: |
From Ohane we headed down the valley to the Whakatane River, a much easier route than via the Waikare River. The all-weather track to Waikare Junction Hut avoids any fording the Whakatane River. The all-weather track continues to Hanamahihi Hut, with a steep section bypassing a big loop in the river.
 FC141516: Whakatane River (composite)
 FC23: Hanamahihi Hut |
 FC24: Morning Mist |
 FC27: later |
 FC31: Alan's overtrou |
Day 6: |
The Hanamahihi Hut to Tawhiti Hut via Ngahiramai Hut route stays above the river, crossing over part way to Ngahiramai, crossing the Ohaerena Flats and passing the Tarakena Rapids. Tawhiti Hut is an hour after Ngahiramai.
 FC32: Whakatane River |
 FC34: Alan & old gear (incl pack) |
 FD06: Foxglove |
 FD09: Foxglove |
 FC36: Misty Whakatane River |
 FD03: Fungus |
 FD07: Alan at Ngahiramai Hut |
 FD14a: Tawhiwhi Hut |
Day 7: |
From Tawhiwhi Hut we followed the true right of the Whakatane River until farmland is reached, then along a farm track to the Mataatua Road, where we were met by the driver from Ruatahuna, 2 km further south.
 FD22: Morning Mist from Tawhiwhi |
 FD26: Morning Mist from Tawhiwhi |
 FD28: morning Tawhiwhi Hut |
 FD34a: derelict private hut |