After I realised I wasn't a total cot case Ian tramped ahead to the hut and came back for my pack. I could walk but didn't like any jolt (the fractured sternum wasn't fun), so I borrowed a walking pole to reduce the stress of any down hill steps and slowly walked to the hut. We had a Personal Locator Beacon but I thought that wasn't necessary to activate this, but advised the team to use it if I became confused or less rousable.
Graham later told me that I had hit something on the way down and did a complete flip (arse over head), which to me explained the mechanism of the injuries and how the pack had protected my neck and lower back from a potentially paralysing spinal injury in the approx. 12 meter (total) fall.
Ed Cooke, a friend of Ian and Dianne who had hoped to come on the trip but couldn't for health reasons arrived at Atiwhakatu Hut with supplies of Gin to supplement the cache Ian had left. I didn't indulge to avoid masking any symptoms of intracranial bleeding after my concussion, although I had a wee taste and it wasn't bad! |