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Kaweka 2 Day 5

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Day 5 (Saturday 6th March 2010): This morning brought misty rain mixed with scattered dry spells. We had to cross the Ngaruroro River shortly after leaving Boyd and John S decided to keep his boots dry, crossing in crocs, while John B took off his pants!

John suitably attired JS0885

Looking across the Ngaruroro KB4017

John S prepares to cross KB4020

John S completes his crossing KB4024

Graham & John B KB4026

Looking back to Ngaruroro KB3997

Wet stop JS0897

More fungi KB4030

Deer skull in tree KB4031

Keith by Oamaru River JS0897

Lunch by more skulls KB4037

Admiring massive trees JS0903

And the weather improved a bit while the scenery continued to impress...

Massive trees (m. trees) KB4040

Graham admiring m. trees KB4042

John hugging m. tree! JS0904

John S shooting m. trees KB4046

Ian KB4047

Fungus & boot by trees KB4013

Fungus on m tree KB4050

more fungi KB4053

Once out of the bush, it is a long but pleasant walk along river flats to Oamaru Hut.

Ian IB1310

Arriving at Oamaru IB1314

Keith and Falafel IB1317

Hoeing into the Falafel IB1318

Dinner was soup followed by an entré of fried Falafel with satay sauce then a main of Beef Mince "Angel hair" spaghetti Bolognese and a dessert of dried fruit.

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