Now the goal was, [like Linus from "Peanuts"], to become a rich, famous humble country doctor [apologies to the late Charles M Schulz who didn't use "rich" in the comic of 10th Nov 1959 and 7 th Nov 2006], I just haven't got the first parts sussed yet! I did manage the "country doctor" bit, becoming a General Practitioner and since Dec 1980 I have been working and living in Hawera, a [vibrant] rural town serving the South Taranaki district, one of the most productive dairying regions of the world, situated between New Plymouth (one hour's drive Northwest) and Wanganui (one hour's drive Southeast), on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island.
However, in order to stay sane (or even stay put) I have resisted the lure of joining a Primary Health Organisation which unfairly excludes my patients from many government subsidies but largely frees me from excessive bureaucratic interference experienced by my colleagues. This means I can offer the sort of service patients want without the frustration that would make any additional income pointless. That is not to say the Taranaki District Health Board doesn't try hard to make my life a pain, but I can tell them where to go!
Born: 1953 at St Helens Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (Yes, I'm a JAFA)
Married Wendy Patricia Dixon (classical singer); divorced 1987
1st son: Benjamin K Blayney BSc(Computing) now Systems Tools Engineer/Manager. One daughter (Angelina) and one son (Kyle).
2nd son: Michael J Blayney (MSc with 2nd Class Hons in Chemistry, Auck), scientist / Metallurgist; married to Nadia.
Second Marriage:
Married Shirley May Coxhead (Legal Executive / Practice Manager)
Son (my 3rd): Martin T Blayney BA (Eng&Jap); PGDipTrans; PGDipHSc; BHSc(Hons)(Psych,1st); MHSc(Hons)(Psych,1st)
English Teacher Aide (2 years in Japan); ESOL teacher in NZ; FFP/AYP Programme Administrator,
OutLine Counselling Co-ordinator and Wikimedian in Residence at Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Intern Phychologist
Married to Chris.
Other than family and Medicine, I have interests in computing, photography, tramping, conservation, history and education, and have developed a somewhat controversial reputation for speaking out on these issues, particularly when attempts are made to reduce or "drag down" high quality local services and achievements to the lower level common elsewhere. Over the years I have been involved as a speaker for Antenatal classes (15 years), First Aid courses and various service clubs and have served on the South Taranaki IHC Advisory Committee, as an elected member of the Hawera High School (then) Board of Governors, and later as an elected member of the Hawera Intermediate School Board of Trustees. I sat on the Hawera Hospital Community Committee until it was disbanded by the TDHB because it was not supportive of moves to downgrade the hospital. This committee oversaw the implementation of the Pisk Report and provided important communication between the South Taranaki community and the Taranaki DHB.
I was Chairman of the Hawera Hospital Intensive Care Trust until its dissolution in 2008 and currently serve as the GP Peer Review co-ordinator helping local GPs meet their re-accreditation requirements.
A surprising nomination resulted in me receiving a South Taranaki Citizens award - presented by Mayor Mary Bourke and Hugh Cunningham on the 23rd Oct 2002.
This Internet site complex is, I believe, a good medium to share some of these interests with others.