Permission to use photos:

The photographer (usually me) retains intellectual ownership of all his photographs, but permission is provisionally granted for downloading and private use of any pictures I own.

However, any picture that is displayed or published in any media must:

  1. cite ownership [eg "Photo by Keith Blayney" (if sure) or "Photo from" (if not)];
  2. if possible provide a link to, or, or in the caption;
  3. not be used for malicious, offensive or illegal purposes;
  4. not be modified without my permission; and
  5. not be used commercially or for political or religious reasons without permission.
Simply this means.......
"Yup, go ahead and pirate any of my pics but do admit they are mine (or my family's), don't use them to hurt anyone
and if your use results in fame or fortune, I'll need a cut."


See the site Disclaimer

Keith Blayney

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