
While every effort has been made to be as reliable as possible, the aim of these family history pages is to collate and expand existing trees and images, not prove links and dates beyond doubt.

Disclaimer: Many pages are based on existing family trees and genealogies and lack references so there will be errors.
I have produced over 1600 references with links to an extensive Bibliography but I have no intention of spending the rest of my life obtaining proof for each person's details and ancestry. However, I do try to provide an acknowlegement of any major source with a link to any appropriate web page.

If there are any errors or additions you can contribute, I will update the appropriate page. I will continue to add links, people and photos (or remove errors) as and when they come to light. Contact me using my gmail account (user name = ktblayney).

If you wish to reference me, please don't assume that I am necessarily correct (but I try to update as new material or evidence comes to light). Also please do not copy whole pages without including a Reference and link -see the linkages page- as my peculiar use of html will give you away!

Preferred (Genealogy) reference: Copy and paste this -   <a href="">Blayney History site</a>   to your web page.
This will look like:   Blayney History site   Other web pages can be referenced by going to the linkages page

Conversely, if you have put any photo onto an open source (like Facebook or any public Internet page) or if the painter/photographer is long dead, I will treat it as being in the Public Domain [see The Right to Display Public Domain Images, and anyway I get no monetary gain from my personal sites so if you don't like the photo, please supply a better one! Living people can ask to have less detail (generally living are in passworded pages) but information listed is only obtained from open sources (already exists on the Internet).


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