Men, L-R: Ernie Sellwood (1912-?); John Stopps (1933-?); Arnold Godsiff (1924-2000); Sydney Findley (1899-1989); Len Stopps (1910-?)
Children: Babies x2; In front Marilyn Stopps (b.1948); Michael Godsiff (b.1948) in suit; a ?Schnauzer; and standing scout David Stopps (b.1937)
Women L-R: Phyl Sellwood (1917-1979); Evelyn Hill (b.1933); Pat Hill (Joanne Patricia 1959-1979); Joan Godsiff (Elizabeth Joan b.1926); Queenie (Elizabeth Findley 1904-?); Win Stopps (née Potter 1913-1965)
Grandparents: Henry J Stopps and Maud Stopps (Potter, née Clark 1883-1962)
STOPPS (JNR) FAMILY HOME in CHINGFORD, c.1945   [click to enlarge]