Comparison of Thomas Blaney / Blayney

Descent from Thomas BLAYNEY (1668 - 1761 (wheelwright of Llanllwchaiarn)
to Luke's ancestor Thomas H Blaney (b.1762) and my ancestor Thomas BLAYNEY (b.1754 London)

Thomas H BLANEY (b.1762)

1 Thomas Richard BLAYNEY (1668-1761) [s/o Richard BLAYNEY] + Anne Jones (1673-1732) 2 Richard BLAYNEY (1719-1773) +(1) Mary SPENCER m.1747 + (2) Mary LISCOMB m.1753 3 Thomas H BLANEY (1762/72-1840) [Same father]. This Thomas + Margaret DAYE (1773-1852) m.1796/7 4 Thomas BLANEY (1797-1862) + Mary Ann GRAIN (1804-1882) m.1822 5 Henry William BLANEY (1829/38-1890) + Anne DRADDY (1838 1908) 6 Henry William BLANEY (1859-1898) + Eliza R HARLEY m.1879 d.1898 2x Great Grandfather of Luke 7 Sophia Lynn Frances BLANEY (1890-1981) +(1) George Charles STUBBS +(2) Alfred George WOODBRIDGE 8 Frances S BLANEY (1906-1987) +(1) BROWN; + (2)SPENCER

Thomas BLAYNEY (b.1754)

1 Thomas BLAYNEY (Blaeney) (1668-1761) (s/o Richard and Ann BLAYNEY) +(2)Anne Jones (1673-1732) 2 Richard BLAYNEY (1719-1773) +(1) Mary SPENCER m.1747 + (2) Mary LISCOMB m.1753 3 Thomas BLAYNEY (1754-1819) [Same father] This Thomas [+(1)M HOLMES]; +(2)Priscilla C. SARGEANT m.1795 4 Thomas BLAYNEY (1796/7-1854) + Rebecca LAMBERT (1804-1889) 5 Alexander Henry BLAYNEY (1842-1924 NZ) + Rebecca NICHOLS (1864-1948NZ) 6 Thomas BLAYNEY (1896-1977) + Elsie MlLEOD/TOOMATH (1898-1967) Grandfather of Keith Blayney (NZ) 7 Ivan BLAYNEY (1926-1993) + Muriel POTTER 8 Keith BLAYNEY (Me)

It would appear that Thomas H Blaney and Thomas Blayney have the same father but different BDMs so I suspect they were
half brothers and their father (Richard Blayney) married Mary Spencer in 1747 then Mary Lipscomb on or before 1762.

For fuller details see ThomasHBlaney.html and [1690]
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