Abbreviations Used
Abbreviation Meaning & derivation Abbreviation Meaning & derivation ~ Approximately (like c. =circa, about) Esq Esquire + married to, spouse, husband of, wife of f/o Father of (begat) +(n) nth spouse ferch Daughter of (Welsh) pronounced "verch" [672] < before (less than) GEDCOM GEnealogical Data COMmunication (file) > after (greater than) gr-father
gt-gr-fathergrand-father, also
great-grandfather etc[nn] Any hyperlink number inside [] refers to a reference source listed on that page's Bibliography h. Husband (f) daughter - from filia (Latin) h1 First Husband (s) Son hn nth Husband eg w3 = 3rd husband 1 1 = index person; n) = generation number IGI International Genealogical Index [425] ab Son of (from mab=son) [used before vowel] see "ap" imm Immigration (to NZ, date) See Emm abbr. abbreviation kt knight adp. adopted LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) ap Son of (from mab=son)
[used before consonant or consonantal "i"] see "ab"m. Married, marriage date b. Born, birth date m/o Mother of (begat) Bart or Bt Baronet MBChB Batchelor of Medicine and Batchelor of Surgery
Medicinae Baccalaureus, Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Latin)begat biologically parented (f/o or m/o) mv. suicide - mors voluntaria (Latin) bpt baptised Ob he/she died - Obitum (Latin) bro brother occ. Occupation bur buried (date/place) O.E. Old English (language) C. Century. Note: I use " ~ " for about/approx. not " c. " r. Reigned or ruled (ruling dates) Co. County RC Roman Catholic C of E Church of England, Anglican rel. or relig. Religion Capt Captain Rev Reverend (Minister) Cdr Commander s/o Son of cem Cemetery sic exactly as written, usually missplet
sic (Latin) = as ischr Christened (see bpt.) twp Township d. Died, death date unk unknown d/o Daughter of unm unmarried dau Daughter verch English pronunciation of Welsh "ferch" [672] dv Divorced, divorce date w. Wife dsp or d.s.p. died without offspring (issue)
decessit sine prole (Latin)w1 First Wife dspl or d.s.p.l. died without legitimate offspring
decessit sine prole legitima (Latin)wn nth Wife eg w3 = 3rd wife dspms or d.s.p.m.s died without surviving male offspring
decessit sine prole mascula supersita (Latin)Has photo:
IMG SRC="images/camera.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=15 ALT="" TITLE="photo"dsps or d.s.p.s died without surviving offspring
decessit sine prole supersita (Latin)or
Has 🎨 painting or sculpture 🤴 [King]
& #127912; & #129332;d. unm died unmarried female d.v.p. died in lifetime of father
decessit vita patris (Latin)male d.y. died young twin emm or em Emigration (from, date) See imm Minister/clergyman
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